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The tax is on us this weekend for most items!


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Consignment Info

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I have my items approved? Send us some pictures. If you have a lot of small decor items please group items together and show us 5 or 10 pieces in a picture rather than sending us 5 or 10 photos. For furniture please send a few pictures taken in good lighting including one that shows the entire piece and one that shows more detail such as the fabric. You can email the pictures to us: or;

Click here to use our submission form

Do you buy or do you only offer consignment? We buy and consign! Decide which option suits you best when you bring your items.

What happens if my items do not sell within the 60-day consignment term? We sell most consigned furniture within 60 days. If not, reach out to us during the last week and we'll discuss re-consignment with you. You maintain ownership and can reclaim your items, though fees may apply.

How does Decor on a Dime have such a high sell-through rate? We price items realistically to sell quickly. Higher pricing often doesn't result in sales, so we aim to price right from the start to avoid returns.

Who determines the resale value of items for sale? We do, but we're open to discussing pricing when you drop off your items. We use our 18 years of experience to set realistic prices based on what buyers are willing to pay.

When will I know the resale price of my items? Items are priced in-store, generally at 1/3 to 1/2 of the original retail price. We research extensively and consider factors like workmanship, damage, and brand to set a realistic price. We then add items to your account which you can access from home to track your sales and expiry dates.

How can I make the most money selling my items with Decor on a Dime? Bring items that are current or classic in design, clean, and in great condition. Outdated or damaged items do not sell. 

What items are the best sellers? Current styles found in malls or big-box stores, including decorative accents, wall decor, furniture, and lamps.

What items don't sell? Older, dated items and items that you would not typically find in a home decor store (such as exercise equipment, tools etc) 

Are there current decor items that Decor on a Dime doesn't take? Yes, we do not accept items that are dirty, damaged, in need of minor repairs or items without batteries when required)